The Précis is a crisp, clear, and concise overview of current space policy and law activities in the government and private sector around the world.  It encapsulates and aggregates many disparate news sources with links back to the original source material.  Very well worth the read and as a publication is a great time saver for the busy person interested in space policy developments!  –Dennis Wingo,  CEO and Founder, Skycorp Incorporated.

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"The Précis is an outstanding tool for all those engaged in the fight for a robust understanding of the strategic space environment and proliferation of space power capabilities. This letter engages the topics of the day from a sound legal and analytical approach that provides perspectives not found elsewhere in academia or in legal circles. I would highly encourage policy makers, professionals, advocates and average citizens interested in space to read The Précis and add it to their toolbox for creating a better, more secure future strategic environment for our nation and our allies and partners the world over." -Christopher M. Stone (B.A., M.A., M.S)
Strategic Space Analyst and Author of "Reversing the Tao: A Credible Framework for Space Deterrence"

Perspective, Analysis and Insight on Legal and Policy Issues Relating to Outer Space Development

The Précis is a briefing-letter offered by Space Law & Policy Solutions. The Précis provides an executive summary that culls through the plethora of information regarding the space industry and provides crisp overview and analysis of cogent space law and policy issues.

The Précis offers an operational perspective independent of outside political, financial and ideological influence, which cuts through the hype in the outer space legal and policy environment and hones in on the critical issues affecting international law, geopolitics, national security and the non-governmental outer space community.

The Précis provides Subscribers with a realistic perspective for government decision-makers and legislators, private individuals, the media, the non-governmental space sector, investors, space advocates and academia.

The Précis is published quarterly and delivered to your email box on the last Friday of March, June, September and the third Friday of December. Special Issues with focus on significant matters in space law and policy are interspersed between quarterly issues. This combination of Quarterly and Special Issues provides its Subscribers with hard analysis and perspective not found in other publications.

The Précis is priced to consider the budget of the individual space advocate, undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students, academia, military/government employees and corporate clients. Special licensing rates can be arranged for small business, non-profit organizations, government agencies, academia and media. 

Current Issue, 74-pages {cover for illustration purposes only}

Photo © Michael J. Listner


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